GCL Phillies 2009 (112 images)
2009 GCL Phillies, Gulf Coast Rookie League affiliate of the Philadelphia Phillies
Altherr, Aaron 1 (Wes...JPG
Alvarez, Miguel 1 (We...JPG
Alvarez, Miguel 2 (We...JPG
Alvarez, Miguel 3 (We...JPG
Alvarez, Miguel 71009...JPG
Alvarez, Miguel 71009...JPG
Alvarez, Miguel 71009...JPG
Alvarez, Miguel 71009...JPG
Alvarez, Miguel 71009...JPG
Aviola, Phillip 71009...JPG
Beal, Justin 71009.00...JPG
Beal, Justin 71009.00...JPG
Beal, Justin 71009.00...JPG
Beal, Justin 71009.00...JPG
Beal, Justin 71009.01...JPG
Beal, Justin 71009.01...JPG
Castillo, Lendy 1 (We...JPG
Castillo, Lendy 71009...JPG
Castillo, Lendy 71009...JPG
Castillo, Lendy 71009...JPG
Cosart, Jarred 71009....JPG
Cosart, Jarred 71009....JPG
Cosart, Jarred 82509....JPG
Cosart, Jarred 82509....JPG
de Armas, Rolando 710...JPG
Diaz, Francisco 1 (We...JPG
Diaz, Francisco 2 (We...JPG
Diaz, Francisco 3 (We...JPG
Doll, Mark 1 (Westerh...JPG
Doll, Mark 2 (Westerh...JPG
Donald, Jason 71009.0...JPG
Dugan, Kelly 1 (Weste...JPG
Dugan, Kelly 2 (Weste...JPG
Dugan, Kelly 3 (Weste...JPG
Dugan, Kelly 4 (Weste...JPG
Dugan, Kelly 5 (Weste...JPG
Dugan, Kelly 6 (Weste...JPG
Dugan, Kelly 71009.00...JPG
Dugan, Kelly 71009.00...JPG
Dugan, Kelly 71009.00...JPG
Dugan, Kelly 71009.00...JPG
Dugan, Kelly 71009.00...JPG
Dugan, Kelly 71009.00...JPG
Dugan, Kelly 71009.01...JPG
Dugan, Kelly 71009.01...JPG
Dugan, Kelly 71009.01...JPG
Dugan, Kelly 7 (Weste...JPG
Duran, Edgar 1 (Weste...JPG
Duran, Edgar 71009.00...JPG
Galvis, Freddy 71009....JPG
Galvis, Freddy 71009....JPG
Galvis, Freddy 71009....JPG
Galvis, Freddy 71009....JPG
Galvis, Freddy 71009....JPG
Guerra, Jorge 71009.0...JPG
Gump, Brian 1 (Wester...JPG
Gump, Brian 71009.003...JPG
Gump, Brian 71009.004...JPG
Gump, Brian 71009.005...JPG
Gump, Brian 71009.006...JPG
Gump, Brian 71009.009...JPG
Hernandez, Cesar 7100...JPG
Hissey, David 71009.0...JPG
Inch, Steven 82509.01...JPG
Inch, Steven 82509.02...JPG
Inch, Steven 82509.03...JPG
Johnson, Chase 71009....JPG
Johnson, Chase 71009....JPG
Johnson, Chase 71009....JPG
Johnson, Chase 71009....JPG
Johnson, Chase 71009....JPG
Matos, Miguel 1 (West...JPG
Matos, Miguel 2 (West...JPG
McConnell, Matthew 71...JPG
McConnell, Matthew 71...JPG
McConnell, Matthew 71...JPG
McConnell, Matthew 71...JPG
McConnell, Matthew 71...JPG
Mitchell, Marlon 1 (W...JPG
Mitchell, Marlon 7100...JPG
Paulino, Luis 1 (West...JPG
Paulino, Luis 2 (West...JPG
Poe, Chad 1 (Westerho...JPG
Poe, Chad 2 (Westerho...JPG
Poe, Chad 3 (Westerho...JPG
Poe, Chad 4 (Westerho...JPG
Poe, Chad 5 (Westerho...JPG
Rodriguez, Julio 1 (W...JPG
Rodriguez, Julio 2 (W...JPG
Rodriguez, Julio 2 (W...JPG
Rodriguez, Julio 7100...JPG
Ruf, Darin 71009.002(...JPG
Ruf, Darin 71009.004(...JPG
Ruf, Darin 71009.006(...JPG
Santana, Domingo 1 (W...JPG
Santana, Domingo 7100...JPG
Sasaki, Ryan 71009.00...JPG
Shreve, Colby 71009.0...JPG
Sladek, Jakub 71009.0...JPG
Sladek, Jakub 71009.0...JPG
Sladek, Jakub 71009.0...JPG
Sladek, Jakub 71009.0...JPG
Sladek, Jakub 71009.0...JPG
Van Steensel, Todd 71...JPG
Van Steensel, Todd 71...JPG
Van Steensel, Todd 71...JPG
Van Steensel, Todd 71...JPG
Villan, Jonathan 1 (W...JPG
Villan, Jonathan 2 (W...JPG
Wine, Cory 1 (Westerh...JPG
Wine, Cory 2 (Westerh...JPG
Wine, Cory 3 (Westerh...JPG